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1793 - Chart of the Coast between Botany Bay and Broken Bay Surveyed in 1788 and 89 by Captain John Hunter.

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
John Hunter 730 x 410 mmD1 / M105 / I168Please contact us for the condition report

This chart by Hunter shows the coastline from Botany Bay to Broken Bay, including Port Jackson. The chart is very detailed and shows the depths to be found in each of the bays.

John Hunter at this time had been suspected of being at fault for the wrecking of HMS Sirius on the reef at Norfolk Island in 1790 (The Sirius had been the flagship to the First Fleet). This was a serious charge and even though he would eventually be acquitted on the charges he certainly used his great skills as a map maker to chart much of the region. He would eventually become the second Governor of Australia in 1794.

This large chart is important
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