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1570 - Typus Orbis Terrarum

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Abraham Ortelius 360 x 250 mmD2 / M126 / I47Please contact us for a condition report

The World map from the first ever published 'modern' atlas. This was to be the prototype of many later world maps. It was to become the standard reference for years to follow. The atlas published by Ortelius in 1570 differed from previous composite altases by being comprised for the first time of maps which had all been engraved with a similar format and size. Previous atlases existed, but the genre and size of the various maps differed enormously within the atlases themselves.

Interestingly, Ortelius' map played a singnificant role in the theory of continental drift. In the 1596 edition of the atlas Ortelius mentions the possibility of drifing continents, a novel observation that was only to be proved correct centuries later. Ortelius used his own world map to illustrate this theory.

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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