Printed from Catalogue on Thursday, Jan 30 2025

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1661 - Carta Secon. Generale del'Asia

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Robert Dudley 482 x 373 mmD2 / M141 / I153

From the first sea atlas by an Englishman, and the first to use Mercator Projection.

This is the second state of Dudley's map of Asia, showing New Guinea , the northern tip of Cape York Peninsula and the eastern part of south east Asia.

Dudley 's famous atlas is the first English atlas to show any part of the Australian continent. It details the tip of the Cape York Peninsula to 12 degrees south, showing the northern most discoveries made by Carstensz in 1623, along the west coast of Cape York Peninsula . Carstensz led a voyage to Australia in the ships the 'Pera' and the ' Arnhem '. Thinking they were still sailing down New Guinea 's south coast, the expedition actually landed on Cape York Peninsula . The names given by Carstensz's expedition are labelled as follows on Dudley 's map:- 'Hogelondre' (high land), 'R.Van Speult', 'R.Batavia' and 'Water Plaets' (fresh water).

Also charted is part of New Guinea in fact Dudley leaves open to speculation the existence of a passage between New Guinea and Australia by noting "G.Incognito" (unknown gulf), while at the same time showing a distinct sea passage between the east and western parts of New Guinea. On this map eastern New Guinea is tentatively joined to Cape York Peninsula . A notable aspect about Dudley 's atlas is the fact that for the first time in a sea atlas, all the charts were compiled on Mercator Pojection.

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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