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1683 - Nouvelle Guinee et Carpentarie

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Alain-Manesson Mallet 115 x 150 mmD15 / M144 / I62Fine condition. No colour.

The first detailed published map to show any part of Queensland (Tully). Shows New Guinea , the east coast of Cape York Peninsula and part of Arnhem Land .

Although not a particularly rare map, the significance of Mallet's map of Carpentaria and New Guinea is underrated. It is essentially the first map to concentrate specifically on the Dutch discoveries in Queensland , and the first map of Queensland based on actual survey. Although De Jode's rare and famous map 'Novae Guineae Forma & Situs', published almost a century earlier also charts the same area, it shows a fictitious Queensland based on the contemporary beliefs of a 'Terra Australis Incongita', or unknown southland.

Mallet names 'Coen R', one of the rivers discovered and named by Carstensz in 1623. No other Australian place names are shown except 'Carpentarie' on the Cape York Peninsula . Mallet places an interesting reference at the entrance of the Gulf of Carpentaria, "Les onze mille vierges", referring to the eleven thousand virgins of Cologne . A text carved into stone at the Church of Saint Ursula refers to the martyrdom of virgins.

Mallet, a French engineer, taught maths and geometry at the court of Louis XIV .

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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