Printed from Catalogue on Thursday, Jan 30 2025

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1696 - Al La Serenissima Republica e Serenissimo Prencipe (2 from a set of 4)

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
P.Vincenzo Coronelli 280 x 460 mmD2 / M147 / I64Fine condition. Wide margins

Set of four gores of part of the Southern Hemisphere covering Australia and Coronelli's magnificent cartouche.

A gore originally was a section of map used to create a world globe. However, because of the expense of producing such globes, they were often only affordable to the nobility and wealthy . So in order to appeal to a wider market, gores were often re-printed in atlas format.

Although this set of four sheets stems from the original half gore plates, they cover a more restricted area north and south- presumably so their format and size would allow them to be integrated into an atlas. They cover an area from the mid-Indian Ocean to Australia's east coast and include Coronelli's large, elegant and decorative cartouche. This full cartouche contains a portrait of Coronelli himself and Pope Alexander VI, demarcating the world between the two claimants Portugal and Spain.

The charting of Australia and New Zealand incorporates the Dutch discoveries up to and including Tasman's first and second voyages in 1642-43 and 1644. The ones indicated on the gores include Hartog's 1616 Concordia discoveries in the Eendracht (incorrectly noted as 'scoperta l'anno 1618') and de Witt's 1628 discoveries on the northwest coast. Reference is also made to the discoveries by van Colster in the Arnhem and Carstensz in the Pera in 1623. After landing on Cape York Peninsula, Carstensz and van Colster chose two separate routes on their return to Europe. Carstensz in the Pera sailed north along Cape York Peninsula, while van Colster took a westerly track home, which led him to discover part of Arnhem Land. In spite of the map's general accuracy, Coronelli took the liberty of wistfully including an elephant and reindeer on the Australian continent.

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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