Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Feb 05 2025

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1715 - Werreldt Kaert

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Isaac Van Der Putte 470 x 310 mmD2 / M152 / I70Fine condition, coloured.

This map comes from a Dutch Bible. As with other Dutch Bibles, it consisted of a world map and five Holy Land maps, this being the world map.

The source of this map is the little known world map attributed to Cornelis Danckerts/ and Jacob Savry, and which appeared in a Dutch bible dated 1643, together with five bible maps either dated1648 and/or signed by Cornelis Danckerts.

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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