Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Feb 05 2025

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Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Emanuel Bowen 480 x 370 mmD2 / M155 / I73Good condition. Some minor ghosting.

The first large-scale map of Australia by an Englishman showing the 1642-43 and 1644 discoveries of Abel Tasman in Australia and New Zealand .

Despite the fairly rapid and wide dissemination of knowledge concerning the discoveries of Abel Tasman in Australia and New Zealand , information detailing those discoveries is to be found mainly on regional and world maps, rather than maps that show Australia itself. The first known published map detailing Australia itself was one by Claes Visscher, who in 1649 re-worked Langenes' Caen Thresoor and included the rare map t'Landt Van de Eendracht in his Tabulation Geographarum Contractarum, however it failed to record Tasman's discoveries. The next published map detailing only Australia was by Melchissedec Thevenot in 1663. It was the first map focusing on Australia itself to show Tasman's discoveries and a landmark in the charting of the continent.

Bowen's important map is the first published large-scale English map devoted to Australia and is essentially a copy of Thevenot's 1663 map. Some variations however exist between the two maps. Bowen has embellished Thevenot's map by adding two text passages describing the riches to be discovered in Australia by virtue of its geographical location. Bowen also includes a decorative cartouche not found on Thevenot's map. Geographically the maps are identical. New Zealand is labelled 'Zeelandia Nova'. Curiously as with Thevenot's map, a note indicates an incorrect date for the discovery of Australia - 'Hollandia Nova Discovered 1644'.

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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