Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Feb 05 2025

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1777 - Carte des Declinaison et Inclinaison de l’auiguille Aimantee…

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
George Buffon 540 x 420 mmD1 / M165 / I237Very Good. Some offsetting. Repaired tear to margin. Narrow left margin.

A French chart of Australia and New Zealand showing the discoveries made by Cook in 1770, during his first voyage and the discoveries made by Capt. Furneaux in Tasmania in 1773. Australia is labelled 'Nouvelle Hollande' and charted to include Cook's 1st voyage discoveries on the east coast, including place names given in French such as 'Baye de Botanique' and 'C. de la Fume' (Smoky Cape near South West Rocks). 'Nouvelle Galles Meridionale' (New South Wales) occupies the entire length of the eastern coastline and Tasmania is tentatively attached to the mainland.

A few of the Dutch discoveries in Australia are mentioned such as Pieter Nuyts' in 1627, van Colster's 1623 discoveries in the 'Arnhem' and Leeuwin's 1622 discoveries on the southwest coast (labelled 'Terre du Lion' on this map). Endeavour Straits are labelled 'Detroit de l'Endeavour' and in New Zealand, Cook's Straits are named 'Detroit de Cook'. The Tasman Sea is labelled 'Mer Pacifique'.

This information is adapted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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