Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Jan 15 2025

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1782 - Mappe Monde ou Carte Generale de l’Univers

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Tobias Lotter 900 x 465 mmD1 / M167 / I125Fair to good condition. Margins narrow.Small hole with minor loss. Please contact us for a full condition report.

Lotter's map of the world in ovaloid projection showing the tracks of Cook's three voyages of discovery.

It is one of the first large scale maps to show the discoveries of Cook's three voyages; the first to New Zealand and the east coast of Australia in 1770; the second to the Antarctic between 1772-5; and his third and last voyage to North America in 1770. It is also one of the earliest maps to show Hawaii. Cook is referred to in the title as Lieutenant though in later editions it is changed to Captain. Although the track of Cook's first voyage is shown, little nomenclature details the discoveries Cook made either in New Zealand or on Australia's east coast. Neither Botany Bay or the Endeavour River are marked, although Torres Strait is labelled 'D. d'Endeavour'.

This information is adapted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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