Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Jan 15 2025

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Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Brion De La Tour 1050 x 930 mmD2 / M168 / I87Excellent condition. An amazing piece

Magnificent wall world map in twin hemispheres showing the discoveries made by Cook in 1770 in New Zealand and Australia. The whole map set within a splendid and impressive framework.

This remarkable cartographic achievement was first published in Paris in 1688. It appeared at a time when the intellectual climates in France , Britain and other countries in Europe were turning towards a more scientific focus and paying particular attention to the complicated relationship between the earth and the universe. Couched in this inquisitive mood, Jaugeon's map presents like no other, an attempt to tie in all aspects of the terrestrial world and her celestial relationship. The Dutch architect Jacob Van Campen designed the magnificent Amsterdam Town Hall along similar cosmographical parameters.

Jaugeon's work is not simply a map but rather a complete statement of the known cosmos. The twin hemispherical world map in itself is like most other maps of the late 17th century. The exploits of the Dutch in the East Indies and Australia have been well recorded including Tasman's more recent discoveries in Australia and New Zealand in 1642-43 and 1644. The charting of America 's northwest coast is incomplete and remnants of Terra Australis still persist. However it is the setting of the map that displays Jaugeon's full intent. Directly surrounding the map is a series of headwinds. Beyond that is a set of panels explaining the various zones of the earth. A further series of circles give additional astrological information such as the phases of the moon, lunar calendars and the solar systems of Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe and Copernicus. All this is set on an elaborate neo-classical portico supported by sets of four Corinthian columns, each with numerous descriptive panels. The use of tiled floors, marbled details and coffered ceiling give great perspective to the piece.

The map has been re-engraved to take into account the discoveries made by Cook. On the Jaugeon original, Australia is shown on the edge of the eastern hemisphere, whereas in the Brion de la Tour editions, it is charted further towards the centre. The title is now in the framework and not on the ribbon banner as it is in the Jaugeon original. Cook's three voyages are charted, including the ice flows sighted during his second voyage to the Antarctic.

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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