Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Feb 05 2025

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1810 - Australien nach den neusesten astronomischen Bestimungen und Entdeckungs Reisen

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Tranquillo Mollo 450 x 325 mmD1 / M192 / I91Good condition. Please contact us for a full condition report.

From the Viennese engraver Mollo. This map shows the popular depiction of the region including much of the South Pacific, South East Asia, New Zealand, and Australia. Australia is labeled "Neu Holland vormals Ulimora" (New Holland previously known as Ulimora). The map shows Australia shortly before the first ’complete’ map of the continent was completed by Freycinet in 1811. Therefore it shows Australia ’incomplete’ with only a very ruff, presumed and partially missing southern coastline. Even though Spencers Gulf had been charted many years before this map was printed, by both Flinders and Freycinet, these discoveries it appears were not yet public knowledge.

Interestingly the eastern half of Australia is labeled “Neu Sud Wallis od die engl. Statthalterschaft Sydney Coye“, which means New South Wales or the English part (of Australia) Sydney Cove. A dotted border also indicates the extent of the British duristiction of the continent. It was not until much later that Britain would take control of the entire continent. This meant that to many in the world this map represented an opportunity for further colonisation of ’Australia’ by other nations. Including Germany and especially the French. If it hadn’t been for the Napoleonic wars there is a very good chance that France may have claimed a part of the continent for themselves.

This beautiful map represents an important period in Australia’s discovery.

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