Printed from Catalogue on Thursday, Jan 30 2025

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1695 - Novus Planiglobii Terrestris Per Utrumque Polum Conspectus…

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Gerard Valck
Joan Blaeu
540 x 410 mmD1 / M193 / I74Good condition. Trimmed to neat line. Please contact us for a full condition report.

Valck's map was made by the famous mapmaker Joan Blaeu. It is believed to have been engraved in 1672, but neverpublished. Historians assume that a great fire at Blaeu’s printery was the reason he was unable to publish the map. When Blaeu died a year later, a part of his estate eventually passed on to Valck. This map was first printed in 1695.

Under close inspection of Valck's name at the bottom of the map, Blaeu’s name can also be detected, although it was almost completely erased. This map is a fine example of 17th century map making. It depicts all the ornateness of the period and is unusual in its depiction of the hemispheres for the time. The pictures most likely illustrate the story of the Garden of Eden with the top of the map showing the sun and moon.

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