Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Feb 05 2025

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1740 - MappeMonde a l’usage du Roy, Par Guillaume Delisle Premier de Geographe…

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Covens & Mortier 660 x 430 mmD1 / M195 / I96Good condition. Trimmed to neat line. Original hand colour and good impression.

Covens and Mortier’s map of the world utilised a very popular style that was used during the 18th century. The beautiful cartouche shows four women that each represent a different region, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the America’s sitting around the French crest with its distinctive design. Australia can be seen seemingly connected onto New Guinea and with the classic pre Cook blank eastern coast.

In the western hemisphere a small line depicting New Zealand's west coast can be seen, which shows the extent of Abel Tasman’s discoveries there almost a hundred years before. This map is a beautiful example of a world map from the period.

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