Printed from Catalogue on Thursday, Feb 06 2025

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1789 - Norfolk Island/ S.End of Norfolk Island

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
J Stockdale 460 x 430 mmD1 / M199 / I163Please contact us for a condition report

Stockdale's map of Norfolk Island is the first map of the settlement of the new colony. The top half of the map shows an overview of Norfolk and the two outlying islands, Phillip and Nepean. The bottom half of the map details the new settlement in Sydney Bay (now Kingston), five buildings including the government house, a flag where the pier would eventually be built, and the established gardens are shown. The map’s coastline reaches from Second Sands to Bloody Bridge (current names).

The map originates from the 1789 publication 'Voyage of Govenor Phillip to Botany Bay', in which Phillip describes the voyage of the First Fleet, the establishment of the settlements at Sydney and on Norfolk, the people and animals encountered and experiences made there.

Norfolk Island was first discovered in 1774 by Captain Cook. The island was considered a fine place to settle and to take advantage of the 'Norfolk Island pines', which were believed to be ideal for ship masts.

The Island was settled six weeks after the First Fleet's settlement in Sydney. Unusually the settlement on Norfolk was also named Sydney, which obviously may have created some confusion back in England.

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