Printed from Catalogue on Thursday, Dec 26 2024

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May not depict actual map.

1778 - Isle Norfolk

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
James Cook
190 x 220 mmD1 / M231 / I228Good condition. Please contact us for the condition report

The first map of Norfolk Island, which was discovered in 1774. The first edition of this map was included in James Cook's second voyages published in 1777. Because of Cook’s voyages wide popularity, they were translated into a number of languages including French. The French edition of Cook's second voyage was first published in 1778.

Cook’s chart of Norfolk Island shows the route of the Resolution and the depth sounding as it meandered around the north side of the island. The high ground of the island and main mountain (Mt Pitt) are shown, as are the two main sandy beaches in the south (Emily) and in the west (Anson). To the south of the island, Phillip and Nepean Island can be seen.

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