Printed from Catalogue on Friday, Dec 27 2024

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1787 - Nlle galles Merid.le ou Cote Orientale de la Nouvelle Hollande

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Rigobert Bonne 220 x 330 mmD1 / M233 / I149Good condition. Wide margins

Bonne's map of Australia's east coast combines a number of James Cook's maps onto the one, in a kind of consolidation often used by Bonne. The map shows Australia's east coast, an inset of part of the northern east coast, the Endeavour river and Botany bay, and the chart by Furneaux of the East coast of Tasmania.

Due to Cook’s fame a number of his maps were often reproduced by other map makers in their atlases however it was rare to see the charts so detailed as on Bonne’s map. Interestingly unlike Cook’s original map of the east coast of Australia Bonne has joined Cook’s maps of Van Diemens land (Tasmania) and the east coast to show the east coast in its 'entirety'.

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