Printed from Catalogue on Friday, Mar 14 2025

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1789 - A chart of the track of the Scarborough on her homeward passage from Port Jackson on the Et. (East) coast of New South Wales towards China

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Captain John Marshall 245 x 420 mmD1 / M239 / I264Good condition. Please contact us for a full condition report

The Scarborough was one of the ships of the First Fleet, which brought the English to Sydney in January 1788, where they would establish the first English settlement.

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This chart shows the track of the Scarborough on its way back to England via China. The Scarborough, a 420-ton transport ship, brought convicts to the new Australian settlement before it returned to bring back more convicts during the phase of the infamous second fleet.

The bottom of the chart indicates the coast of Australia with Botany Bay, Port Jackson (Sydney), and Port Stephens. The Scarborough is also shown to have called into Lord Howe and Norfolk Island on her voyage home. Views of these islands amongst others are also shown.

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