Printed from Catalogue on Friday, Dec 27 2024

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May not depict actual map.

1793 - Plan of Norfolk Island

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
William Bradley 210 x 230 mmD5 / M247 / I171Very good condition. Please contact us for a full condition report

This early plan of Norfolk by William Bradley shows in some detail the depth soundings around the island. Though the plan does not show much of the Islands interior it does mark the location of the first settlement there with two flags in the south of the island, called Sydney Bay at the time.

This plan of Norfolk first appeared in John Hunter's 'An historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and on Norfolk Island…', which detailed the extent and accounts of the First Fleet and the establishment of the two settlements at Sydney Cove and on Norfolk Island. Norfolk had three years prior to this map been the site of a terrible loss to the early Australian settlers when HMS Sirius, comanded by John Hunter had hit the reef and sunk.

This map is important to Australia's early history in showing the early years of Australia's settlement after 1788.

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