Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Feb 05 2025

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1802 - No title: Region around Sydney

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
David Collins 240 x 190 mmD1 / M249 / I173Very good condition. Already framed.

An interesting map of the interior around Sydney. In the early days of the settlement in Australia there was a prime importance to establish sufficient even abundent food supplies so that the colony could not only sustain itself but continue to grow. This map that appeared in Collin's 'an account of the English colony in New South Wales' in 1802 detailed the search for new farming and grazing land. There are many interesting notes on the map such as "Good country the grass high thick and luxuriant" and "Fine rich soil".

The map depicts from about 35kms south of Botany Bay to just above Broken Bay with north running to the right. The settlements inland are clearly marked and the furthest westerly town marked is Richmond Hill. An important map in the continual prosperity of the settlement.

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