Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Jan 15 2025

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1836 - The Saturday Magazine, May 28th 1836: Sketches of New South II

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
John William Parker 185 x 280 mmD1 / M260 / I188Very good condition. Disbound from a bound copy.

The Saturday Magazine was issued by the Committee of General Literature and Education, who were supported by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. At this this time the expansion of the British empire was speeding up and people at home in England were very interested in finding out what was happening around the world.

This edition of the magazine is spread over 8 pages. Four of which are dedicated to exploring the culture of the 'natives' (aboriginals) of New South Wales.

The magazine's first page framed would provide a beautiful and interesting edition to any collection focusing on early Australian history and exploration.

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