Printed from Catalogue on Saturday, Jan 11 2025

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1810 - History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Parramatta, Sydney,...AND An Account of a Voyage to New South Wales…

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
George Barrington 140 x 220 mmD1 / M310 / I268Good to fair condition. Please contact us for further information regarding these volumes condition.

Here on offer are two (2) important and interesting books on the early years of Australian settlement. These two volumes are 'The History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Parramatta, Sydney,…' AND 'An Account of a Voyage to New South Wales…'.

Though they do not relate to the First Fleet they do relate to the Third Fleet, which brought the book's author, George Barrington to Australia as a convict. Barrington was infamously known to many as the prince of theaves. It is ironic however that his name may have actually been stolen to publish these accounts of early Australia as many critics believe he had little if anything to do with their authorship. This is however difficult to establish.

The first volume, 'The History of New South Wales…', contains 16 hand coloured engraved plates and the frontispiece. First engraving facing Frontispiece, 'Town & Cove of Sydney', almost detached'. Marbelled boards. 8vo.

'An Account of a Voyage to New South Wales… contains 9 hand coloured full page plates, a frontispiece, folding map of the region around Sydney and a portrait of Barrington. The first gathering is loose however the rest of the pages are tight.

Contents of both are clean and with minimal if any foxing or soiling. Both are uniformaly bound in marbeled boards which are scuffed, rubbed, and damaged but still with strength. As both are exlibris there are a few library stamps internally but surprisingly unobtrussive, usually either dwelling on the final page, the back of a few engravings and in a few margins. A nice set in good condition.

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