Printed from Catalogue on Tuesday, Apr 23 2024

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1780 - Carte de la Nouvelle Zeelande

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Rigobert Bonne 220 x 330 mmD1 / M336 / I305The map is in excellent condition with wide margins.

Bonne's chart of New Zealand is among the first maps produced of the Islands, being a representation of Cook's 1773 charts. Bonne essentially copied a number of Cook's charts for his atlas and many of these would consolidate several of Cook’s maps of an area onto the one map, such as this. In this case Bonne's map of NZ combines Cook's chart of New Zealand, the chart of Cook's strait, the bay of Islands and the eastern bays. A compass rose has also been added that gives the map an added charm not represented on Cook's originals.

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