Printed from Catalogue on Tuesday, Jan 14 2025

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May not depict actual map.

1663 - Hollandia Nova

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Melchisedech Thevenot 540 x 400 mmD15 / M344 / I318Very good condition

Thevenot’s chart of Australia is the first large scale chart solely dedicated to Australia and one of the first to show Abel Tasman’s discoveries in Northern Australia and Tasmania. Only a few years earlier the map of Australia would be made up of only parts of the Western Australia coastline and the west coast of Carpentaria. Arnold Colom’s chart of 1658 that attempts to focus on Australia has very little to observe. Even though Tasman’s discoveries had been made almost twenty years before they had been kept secret by the Dutch.

Thevenot’s chart of Australia is an essential piece in the discovery and charting of the continent and is now very difficult to find.

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