Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Feb 05 2025

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1852 - Map of the suburban lands of the City of Melbourne

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
E. Akerland
Thomas Ham
500 x 800 mmD1 / M365 / I336The canvas on the back of the map is stained though it does not affect the map itself. Originally the map would have come in its own cover though this has since been lost

Hams map of Melbourne is one of the earliest and best of the city. Victoria had only been officially proclaimed the year before and it shows Melbourne just before the boom of the gold rushes when the population went from around 20,000 people on this map to over a 100,000 a few years later. This map sits at the crossroads of the settlement of Melbourne and the city that it became. On the map the surrounding landowner names are shown as well as information about the regions land and its use. It is a fascinating map and a very important piece in Melbourne's history being also printed in Melbourne.

The map is cut into segments and mounted onto canvas so that it could be folded and unfolded without damaging the fine detail of the map. The map is in good visual condition with only minor condition issues. The canvas on the back of the map is stained though it does not affect the map itself. Originally the map would have come in its own cover though this has since been lost.

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