Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Jan 15 2025

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1861 - Map of New South Wales & Victoria

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Frederick Proeschel 790 x 770 mmD1 / M366 / I339

Proeschel's very rare seperately published map of New South Wales

Proeschel was born in France in 1809 and moved out to Victoria to participate in the goldrushes in 1852. Basing himself in Melbourne he set about producing maps of routes to the goldfields as well as general maps of Victoria and Melbourne. Proeschel was the only private map publisher in Victoria at the time and so was able to produce a varied collection of work compared with what was available. In may 1860 he became a member of the Royal society of Victoria. By 1863 he produced his famous "Atlas of Australasia", though it is believed that he was unlikey to have recouped his sizeable £3000 investment in its publication, even though it recieved much acclaim. He left Australia in 1864 and after pursuing a few opportunities settled again in France before his death in 1870 leaving an estate of a mere 40 francs.

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