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May not depict actual map.

1879 - To the Right Honorable Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley this map of the Colony of New South Wales...

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Major Thomas Livingstone Mitchell 1110 x 590 mmD1 / M369 / I342Please contact us for a condition report

Mitchell's exceptional map of New South Wales was first issued in 1834, being without doubt the most detailed accurate map of New South Wales up to that point. Interestingly this issue of the map was produced some 45 years later but not extendng as far north as the original 1834 issue.

The full title reads "To the Right Honorable Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley this map of the Colony of New South Wales...compiled from actual measurements with the chain & circumferenter, and according to a trigonometrical survey is ... dedicated by his most obedient humble servant T.L. Mitchell, Surveyor General ; drawn by T.L. Mitchell

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