Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Feb 05 2025

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1814 - Erd Charte nach der Bonneschen Projection...

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Heinrich Keller 1000 x 600 mmD1 / M388 / I365Very good condition with minor foxing on canvasbacking

A beautiful large world map by Austrian mapmaker Heinrich Keller. Interestingly as this map was printed early in 1814 the detail of Australia shows a pre Flinders Australia with the French claim from the Baudin voyage naming the south east region of Australia Napoleons Land with spencers gulf also being named Bonapartes Gulf. By the end of 1814 almost all maps would be corrected to reflect the English's first discovery and charting of this region under Flinders and this interesting part of Australia's French claim history that existed between 1811 and 1814 would end.

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