Printed from Catalogue on Wednesday, Jan 15 2025

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May not depict actual map.

1851 - Victoria or Port Phillip

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
John Tallis 330 x 250 mmD15 / M55 / I260Please contact us for a condition report

Tallis was best known for his very accurate and visually appealing maps and views, which included most of the countries and many of the colonies of the world at that time. His most accomplished engraver and mapmaker was John Rapkin. During the mid 19th Century Tallis published many books on travel and exploration. In 1851 Tallis published his famous Illustrated Atlas and a volume on the new colonies in Australia, where this map of Victoria comes from.

The principal features of Tallis’ maps are the extensive use of vignette views and the highly ornate engraved framing that contains the map. Most of his maps contained a limited amount of color, usually outlining boundaries and major terrain features.

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