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May not depict actual map.

1781 - Scientia Terrarum et Coelorum or the Heavens and Earth Astronomically and Geographically Dilineated and Displayed

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Samuel Dunn 1200 x 1040 mmD1 / M7 / I329

Wall map of the world. Shows mathematical calculations for astronomy, navigation. Discusses many mathematical issues.

Published: 1781.

About the Publishers: Published by Robert Sayer and created by Samuel Dunn, who was a mathematics teacher and publisher. The following is printed on the bottom right corner of the map :“S. Dunn Teacher of the Mathmatics-London- Boards young gentleman and Teacheth, Penmanship, Merchth, Accth, Navigation, Fortification, Astronomy and C. Chelsea”.

Rarity: Dunn’s map is comparatively rare, with the early editions from c1770 and 1772 appearing to be the rarest ones. More commonly found are the 1780, 1787, 1794 and 1799 editions. The latter two, which were published by Laurie and Whittle after the death of Dunn in 1794, are from a previous purchase of the plates in his estate. Laurie and Whittle's company seemed to be prolific publishers of larger maps.

Dunn’s map is detailed in Simon Dewez’s book ‘The Printed World IV’, which was published in 2002 and which refers to the maps’ first edition printed c1770. This edition shows no part of the East coast of Australia, or New Zealand, and still displays the remnants of Terra Australis in the south. Dewez states that "the first edition carries a less than complimentary note on the map singed by Mr Witsen Phil. Trans no.245’, warning of the inhospitableness of the known Australian continent, remarking amongst other things '…and vast numbers of troublesome flies.'” This note does not appear in this edition. While the map featured in Dewez’s catalogue is the 1799 Laurie & Whittle edition and reference is made to other editions of the map, there is no mention of this 1781 edition. Dewez gives reference to Perry/Prescot 1799.03.

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