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1745 - Magnum Mare del Zur cum Insula California

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Frederick De Wit 550 x 500 mmD15 / M77 / I77Please contact us for a condition report

Sea chart of the Pacific, filled with some of the most famous cartographic misconceptions. California is an island; the northen coastline of Australia is shown, with Tasmania a long way away from any known coastline; the partial coastline of New Zealand is marked; and to the north of Japan are both 'Ezo' and 'Compagnies lant', semi-mythical islands.

A highly decorative title cartouche fills the bottom right corner, depicting Neptune in a chariot and a medallion portrait of Magellan.

First published in the 'Orbis Maritimus ofte Zee Atlas' in 1675, this example comes from Renard's 'Atlas de la Navigation'. Instead of being just a re-issue of obsolete plates, Renard updated the charts with new information: here the shape of Tasmania has been altered, with the names changed. Koeman concludes 'that the atlas was intended for use at sea and not only for the consultation on shore'. McLAUGHLIN: 188; KOEMAN: Ren 1.

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