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1773 - Chart of part of the South Sea, Shewing the tracts and Discoveries made by His Majesty's Ships…

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
James Cook 670 x 370 mmD1 / M79 / I238Please contact us for a condition report

Believed by many to be the first published chart of the Pacific to show Australia 's east coast and both the north and south islands of New Zealand . Cook's first voyage track is charted.

Several charts were made during Cook's epic first voyage, many of them published in Hawkesworth's account of the voyage. This map of the Pacific is the second published map to show the east coast charted and the second to show New Zealand in its entirety. Only Vaugondy's map published weeks before shows an earlier depiction.

Cook's discoveries and tracks are marked in great detail both in New Zealand and Australia . Attention is given to the plotting of his track with regular compass readings noted along the entire route. Noted also are the various dates that landfall was sighted. The map details the many place names that Cook gave for locations he visited up the entire length of the coast, from the first landing at 'Point Hicks' to 'Shelburn Bay' at the top of Cape York Peninsula.

On New Zealand Cape South (Stewart Island) is shown as part of the South Island and not as an island as it should be.

Interestingly, the world map published in the account of Bougainville's voyage around the world probably lays claim to having shown a part of Australia 's east coast for the first time. Published in 1771, it charts a small section of Australia 's east coast off Cooktown. Bougainville sighted the Barrier Reef and surmised by the presence of vegetable and fruit matter in the water, that land lay behind the reef. Other notable voyages are shown on the map are those of Byron, Wallis and Carteret.

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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