Printed from Catalogue on Sunday, Oct 06 2024

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1776 - Nuove Scoperte ... Mare Del Sud Venezia

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Antonio Zatta 405 x 300 mmD15 / M189 / I269Good condition. Please contact us for a full condition report

Map of Australia , New Zealand , New Guinea and the South Pacific. One of the earliest maps to show the tracks of the voyages of Capt. Cook, Carteret, Byron, Wallis and Mouats.

Zatta's Australian and Pacific map was based on Cook's map A Chart of the South Seas, and is one of the earliest to detail Cook's discoveries in Australia and New Zealand . It was first published just three years after the official English account of Cook's first voyage in the Endeavour, and it labels many of the place names noted by Cook in both countries. Zatta's map charts the track of the Endeavour through the Society Islands and on to Australia 's east coast, as well as charting the tracks of other navigators in the South Pacific region. Interestingly enough Cook's track is shown to pass in between Banks Island and the South Island of New Zealand when in fact no island exists, only a peninsula. The vessel illustrated in the map's delightful vignette is in all probability the Endeavour.

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez

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