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1789 - A chart of the track of the Alexander on her homeward passage from Port Jackson on the eastn. coast of New South Wales to Batavia; performed in the year 1788 under the direction of Lieut.t John Shortland

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Thomas G. Shortland 350 x 260 mmD1 / M241 / I165Please contact us for the condition report

The Alexander was one of the eleven ships that made up the first fleet which settled the English in Australia in January 1788. The 450- ton convict transport ship transported around 200 convicts to the new settlement in Australia.

The track of the Alexander shows the first leg of the homeward journey back to England as far as Java. While the lower southeastern coast of Australia is depicted, the rest of the continent is left out for no apparent reason. The chart by Lieutenant Shortland is an important part of Australia's first settlement history. It originally appeared in Arthur Phillips 'A Voyage to Botany Bay…' in which he outlined the extent and accounts of the new settlement in Sydney.

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