Printed from Catalogue on Monday, Feb 17 2025

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1726 - Anthony Van Diemens Land

Map makerSizeMap IDCondition
Francois Valentyn 175 x 290 mmD1 / M353 / I326Please contact us for a full condition report.

Map of Tasmania showing the track of Abel Tasman's first voyage of 1642-43, which resulted in the discovery of Tasmania and New Zealand.

Apart from the very rare copy of Vissher's map, this is the oldest printed map solely focusing on Tasmania. The chart labels many discoveries made by Tasman on Tasmania's southern coast including Tasmans Eyland, Marias Eyland and Schoutens Eyland.

The map features egravings of Tasman's two ships the Heemskerck and Zeehaen sitting on the track that the ships took. Below the map are also two engravings showing the ships sitting off the coast of the South Island of New Zealand in December 1642.

This information is adopted from the Printed World catalogue series, one of the most enjoyable and informative Australian Antique map catalogues available, created and compiled by Simon Dewez.

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